
Learning Works provides Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration and Intervention services as well as seminars, workshops and training in the areas of Negotiation, Mediation and a variety of other Conflict Resolution courses for organizations large and small.

Conflict is inevitable and a normal part of our personal interactions. How we deal with and work through these events can be either positive and fruitful or negative and unproductive. We all have some effective communication skills and strategies we bring to our conversations, and there are still other skills and strategies available. Learning Works provides you with these new skills, strategies and insights, which will take you to the next level in your productive conversations. These insights and skills will enhance not only your communication skill level, but will also increase your confidence when working through conflict situations. Often it is not the message which is the issue, but how the message is delivered is what creates a misunderstanding or an unproductive escalation of the conversation.

Team Building

Interpersonal skill are a must when putting people together. Without them the work may suffer.


Having an experienced advocate giving guildance in unfamiliar areas may solve problems quickly.


Coaching provides an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and awareness and to put into motion actions that will support success.

Facilitation and Preventative Intervention

We assist parties to establish a trusting environment to confront and overcome workplace issues. Facilitation can also help parties resolve an issue before a conflict arises saving time and money. It is a more pro-active and preventative means to address conflict.

Conflict Resolution

From conflict between individuals or teams we assist parties to find collaborative resolutions by selecting the most appropriate dispute resolution process. Our consultants are experienced and sought after for this work.


Most of our consultants are faculty members of the Justice Institute (Centre for Conflict Resolution and Centre for Leadership), and the British Columbia Institute of Technology. We have experience teaching courses in a wide range of courses to do with conflict resolution, assertion, leadership, labour relations, etc. We can customize training and help develop curriculum to suit your needs.

Mediation, Arbitration & Med-Arb

We provide neutral third-party mediators to help parties resolve conflicts their way and look for win-win solutions. We also have capability to take a more formal approach where an adjudicator or arbitrator is needed to make the decision for the parties. Arbitration is generally a binding process where a neutral third party is entrusted to decide conflicts based on evidence presented by the parties. We also offer a hybrid called Med-Arb. We would be happy to discuss the options with you to help you pick the most appropriate resolution process.

Respectful Workplace Training

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination, we deliver training compliant with WorkSafe requirements on Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination. LearningWorks can assist with developing policy as well as make recommendations on resolving or investigating respectful workplace issues. We have several clients who have retained us for this work to act as Respectful Workplace Coordinators and to monitor a confidential Respectful Workplace Hotline. This is a developing area in workplace relations which requires a sensitive, positive and timely response.

Workplace Culture Assessments

We have conducted many workplace assessments to advise organizations on changes which will enhance the workplace experience of their employees and at the same time identify areas that management can address to improve productivity and impact the bottom line. Our approach is to identify what is working well and what can be improved by all parties in today's workplaces.